Level 1, Suite 117/147
Pirie Street, Adelaide
Joel Phillips: 0438 800 264
Dr Chris Colby: 0410 088 839
Colby Phillips Advisory congratulates Distillers South Australia, the peak body for the State’s diverse and growing spirits producing industry, on their launch of a project to pave the way for the industry’s sustainable future.
Distillers South Australia have successfully applied for a $100,000 Lead-Educate-Assist-Promote (LEAP) Grant from Green Industries South Australia (GISA) to support this initiative.
Colby Phillips Advisory are grateful to partner with Distillers South Australia to deliver the project outcomes, which comprise 4 main phases:
Updates on the project and outcomes will be progressively released to stakeholders and will also be available at www.distillerssa.org.au/news/boosting-sustainability-for-south-australian-distillers/.